Teaching Kids Life Skills
As parents, we all agree that education is important. We know what our children need to learn in school and every week we set time aside for our kids to master various subjects. Mathematics? Check. Reading? Check. History? Check.
But what about life skills? Skills like money management, conflict resolution, communication, or homemaking. Are you being as intentional about teaching these to your children?
Imagine your child as an adult, living on their own. Do they have the skills they will need to rent an apartment, buy a car, manage their finances, and/or get a job?
It is crucial that we, as parents, spend time teaching our kids the skills they are going need to live on their own, as successful adults, able to contribute to society.
Over the next 5 days, we’re going to be sharing some of the life skills we’ve been working on in our homes.
- Teaching Kids Life Skills: Thank You Notes
- Teaching Kids Life Skills: Goal Setting
- Teaching Kids Life Skills: Money Management
- Teaching Kids Life Skills: Managing Schedules
- Teaching Kids Life Skills: Food Shopping
As you know, this is just a handful of the skills our kids will need as they move into adulthood.
Over the next year, one of our goals here at Education Possible is to share more ideas like these to help you teach important life skills to your kids.
Megan! I’m SO excited about this life skills teaching I could dance! Excited to be reading and sharing it!
Thank you Jen!! It was a lot of fun to put together and moms seem to be responding well to it. We have more planned for the year, so keep in touch!!
It is the most important things everyone needs to learn. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for stopping by Adelien. I agree, these are important skills that all kids need to learn, but sometimes get pushed aside for the more traditional learning that also needs to happen. There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day sometimes!
grt kids do follow it., no need to teach forcily