How to Be An Amazing Homeschool Geography Teacher
If you’ve ever wondered how to be an amazing homeschool geography teacher, use these activities to make middle school geography fun and interactive.
Every day we hear stories about how our world is “getting smaller” and we are finding ourselves more connected to activities and events all around us.
It is important for our children to know as much as possible about the planet we live on and how actions around the world can impact us right at home.

To help our students learn more about our global-minded world they should take at least one geography course during their middle or high school years.
But, what if you don’t feel prepared to teach this information to your kids?
Don’t worry, we have you covered! We have gathered helpful ideas and resources you will need to be an amazing homeschool geography teacher.
Table of Contents
What is Geography?
Geography is the study of the earth, its structure, and its inhabitants.
The study of geography can be divided into three categories:
- Geography skills – including map reading, using tools like compass, GPS, and atlases, and understanding cartography and navigation.
- Physical geography – including topics such as geology, meteorology, oceanography, ecology, and astronomy.
- Human geography – this is concerned with how people relate to their location and environment and includes topics such as sociology, culture, religion, transportation, and government.
How to Teach Homeschool Geography
My family loves to travel and learn about different countries and cultures.
During our early years of homeschooling we informally included geography in many of our literature, history, and science lessons. And we regularly worked on cultural geography activities together.
This year my kids asked if we could create a middle/high school level course specifically focused on studying geography. To ensure my kids could make the most of this learning experience I did some research and found some wonderful resources to make this class fun and educational for all of us.
Even if you have never taught geography before, don’t worry! Here are the materials and ideas we found helpful. You can use these too to teach homeschool geography.
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North Star Geography and WonderMaps
North Star Geography is the geography curriculum from Bright Ideas Press that has served as the “spine” of our geography course this year. These materials are designed for older students, but with the variety of activities included you can customize the learning for all ages and learning styles.
We completed this course in one school year — my kids LOVED it! We are very thankful for the many interesting discussions and research efforts this information has sparked in our homeschool. The best thing about this curriculum is the flexibility it offers. You can create your own course using these tools:
- The Student Reader – This book contains 16 lessons, usually around 10-15 pages each. The lessons address high-level geographic concepts and include sidebars with specific examples of selected concepts.
- Hands-on Activities – Each lesson includes 3-4 ideas for hands-on learning activities. See below for details of some of our favorites.
- Building Your Own Atlas – Students learn about the important features of each continent by drawing and/or labeling maps.
- Note-Taking Pages – Note-taking is an important skill for kids to learn and these pages serve as great models for teaching kids how to take notes on the information they read and hear.
- Memorization Lists – Kids need to know where things are in the world! These lists help kids learn about 16 items per lesson.
- Research Questions – Questions are included to help students begin further research into topics they find interesting.
- Quizzes and Tests – These help kids review the information learned.
- Vocabulary – More than 450 terms are included and you decide how/if your students looking for definitions to these terms.
- Graphic Organizers – Several helpful “Fact File type graphic organizers are included for students to complete.
- WonderMaps – Customizable collection of over 350 downloadable maps.
Geography Activities
No matter the age, students learn best when they have an opportunity to learn by doing. We have used many hands-on learning activities in our geography studies, including:
- Playing The World Game to help teach world geography facts.
- Building a volcano.
- Completing a world atlas scavenger hunt.
- Learning how to make a compass and determine North.

Online Geography Resources
I have found a number of very helpful online resources for our kids to use to gather interesting facts about places around the world. These geography websites and online geography games will definitely come in handy.

Learning Geography Outside the Home
Travel is one of the BEST ways to learn about the world around you! Whether you travel around your neighborhood or across the country, there is always something new to see and experience.
- Homeschoolers Love to Learn at National Parks & Historic Sites
- Learning on Vacation: Map Skills for Kids

Helpful Geography Books
Here are a few books we used ALL OF THE TIME during our geography studies:
- Student Atlas
- Social Studies Actual Size
- National Geographic Bee Ultimate Fact Book
- The World Almanac and Book of Facts

Geography Co-op
Don’t feel like you have to teach geography all alone! We like to teach geography with friends. Learn how to start a geography co-op
I hope this list has sparked an interest in geography for your homeschool! These tools and resources will help your kids learn about the world they live in and help you become an amazing homeschool geography teacher.
My daughter would LOVE to take a geography field trip to Australia! She’s long wanted to go there and she’s particularly into the idea of how different the climate and landscape are in various parts of the continent.
Europe, I’ll be as generic as possible because that means more places to visit.
Choosing just one location is rough!!! My daughter said she would love to see the Mediterranean. Islands, countries. The excitement of it all!
Africa & Mediterranean!
Galapagos Islands!
Would love to win this curriculum. Great resource for my 14 year old son! Thank you!!
We’d take a field trip to the Grand Canyon or to Victoria Falls in Africa.
My husband spent some time in Singapore and the kids love to hear about his adventures there so Singapore is one of the top 3 on our list of places in the world to travel! Maybe next summer!
Thanks for the detailed review of North Star Geography–I will definitely check it out!
With six various opinions ranging from Disney World to Europe (all of which would be ok with me), I think our dream homeschool field trip would be taking an RV on an extended tour of the 49 states that we could drive to in our vehicle. I suppose Hawaii would just have to be our “vacation” getaway!
I would love to tour Europe or Australia. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon but I can’t wait to show it to my kids.
It’s been a dream for a long time for us to road trip across the United States and really dig into the history the East coast has to offer as well as learning as much as we can along the way and “pioneering” or way back home Oregon Trail style. =)
We would love to visit Greece…and Australia…..and China…..and the list goes on and goes. =)
Oooh, I would love to take my kids to Australia and New Zealand. After that, we would do Greece, Italy and Germany. I think we would even love to squeeze in a trip to Alaska.
Oh, to choose just one is hard! But my daughter has always had a desire to go to Australia.
Europe All over the continent! 🙂
A geography field trip, hmm? Probably Alaska. The various regions are so dramatically different from each other, and the native groups have each adapted to their unique circumstances…. it would be a fascinating exploration.
Our Family would love to visit ALL of Europe! So many amazing places to see.
We would like to travel to Asia and tour around to all the countries there
Our family would love to go to India.
My first choice for a geography field trip would be Europe. Second would be the rest of North America.
There are still so many places in the U.S. we have not been, I guess I would say to travel across it would have to be my first choice!
I would to be bale to visit Israel and walk where Jesus walked and see what He saw.
My family has been very fortunate to be able to do a lot of traveling, due to military service. I think next on our list is Australia / New Zealand, but maybe it’s China / Japan?
We would road trip across the country to California to visit some beloved family members there.
I would love to take my girls to Australia or to Switzerland/Austria/France/Germany. Those places have always fascinated me and I’d love to see them with my family.